Ahikā Consulting has become Whirika Consulting.

In 2011, we started our business with strong objectives to enhance the natural world, assist businesses to lower carbon emissions, and support the resilience of communities. The meaning of Ahikā resonated with our mahi at the time.

However, as time has passed and our learning about Te Ao Māori has developed, we are no longer comfortable carrying the name “Ahikā”. We recognise that only mana whenua can use the name “Ahikā” with authority, and therefore we need to change.

We value authenticity, so finding a name which truly represents our work and our values was important to us. In December last year, we started working alongside Megan Potiki (Kāi Tahu, Kāti Māmoe, Te Āti Awa) whose wisdom guided us through the process of choosing a more appropriate name.


Whirika is derived from the word ‘whiri’ — the plaited foundation of a kete used to combine different strands together – thick, thin, wide or narrow. We hope it represents the role we play in projects and the type of work we strive to deliver. Collaborative, strong, and interwoven.